You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Nominator's Information Nominator's First Name Nominator's Last Name Nominator's Phone Number Nominator's Email Nominee's Information Nominee's First Name Nominee's Last Name Nominee's Telephone Nominee's Email Nominee's City Which community in the Assembly District 24 has the nominee served - Select -MilpitasFremontNewarkSan JoseSunol Questions 1. What has this person/organization done to better our community? 2. How long has this person/organization been doing the work that they are being nominated for? 3. What are the impacts of their work in the community? 5. Does this person work with any organization(s)? Is the organization(s) in the 24th Assembly District? 6. For organizations - How has the work of the organization impacted the community positively? 7. Submit a photo One file only.200 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png. The deadline to submit a nomination is February 28, 2025. The deadline to submit a nomination is February 28, 2025. Leave this field blank