The bill closes a loophole related to disclosure when tenants are party to a civil eviction process. It ensures that tenants are not unfairly penalized on rental applications if they have won their civil eviction cases.
The bill aims to remove barriers to housing development for tribal communities by enabling Tribes to build denser residential housing beyond what's permitted by local law.
AB 2325 - San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
The bill will allow the BART system to improve its financial management structure by consolidating responsibility in a Chief Financial Officer.
The bill provides additional compliance options for local governments to meet the state's organic waste procurement requirements.
AB 2367 - Highways signs for state special schools
The bill raises awareness of students with disabilities by allowing highways signs to be created for state special schools including the California School for the Deaf-Fremont.
The bill aims to protect the health of car owners by requiring licensed pre-owned vehicle retailers to provide customers with tobacco residue disclosure.
The bill ensures nail salon workers and owners receive the necessary education about labor laws, so that workers are treated fairly in their workplace.
The bill requires owners of domestic wells to participate in free domestic well testing programs to provide notice to tenants regarding test results, and requires an adequate supply of safe drinking water when unsafe contamination is detected.
The bill protects children from potentially harmful and unsuitable skincare by banning the sale of over-the-counter anti-aging products to kids under the age of 13.
The bill streamlines the expansion of green public transportation infrastructure, enabling transit agencies to more rapidly electrify their fleets, improve rail service and cut emissions.
The bill ensures that public school districts have the expertise to establish housing for their staff, so that educators can live in the communities they serve.
The bill aims to protect California's limited supply of single-family homes from being bought up by Wall Street, and ensure that residents have the opportunity to become homeowners.
AB 2616 - Repeal Mortgage Interest Deduction on second homes
The bill repeals California's Mortgage Interest Deduction on second homes. By eliminating tax breaks for vacation homes, AB 2616 will direct desperately needed funding to state programs.
AB 2665 - Mixed-income housing revolving loan program
The bill establishes a revolving loan program in the California Housing Finance Agency in order to finance the construction of affordable housing for Californians of mixed incomes.
The Social Housing Act creates social housing for Californians. It will establish the California Housing Authority to produce housing that is publicly backed, mixed-income, affordable and financially self-sustaining.
The bill addresses the rising number of syphilis cases by increasing syphilis testing, so that patients can seek timely and appropriate treatment.
The bill creates the LGBTQ+ Commission to address the inequities and barriers faced by the LGBTQ+ community. The Commission will monitor state legislation, and assess programs and policies affecting the LGBTQ+ community.
AB 3229 - California Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot Project
The bill accelerates the process of making the CalFresh Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot Project a permanent program. The project served tens of thousands of CalFresh families, and transitioning it to a permanent program will help ensure that supplemental benefits are available at grocery stores and farmers' markets statewide.