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Assemblymember Alex Lee’s Bill to Streamline Train Electrification Projects Signed by the Governor

For immediate release:

The Governor has signed Assemblymember Alex Lee’s legislation to streamline train electrification projects. AB 2503 advances California’s climate goals by helping transit agencies electrify their fleets more rapidly. 

“I’m proud to see that the Governor has signed AB 2503,” said Assemblymember Lee. “We have to catch up with the rest of the world on electrifying our railway systems. Electric trains are greener, faster and more reliable. In the midst of the climate crisis, we can’t afford any delays to electrifying California’s trains. Train electrification is crucial to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in California and creating a more sustainable transit system.” 

For instance, Caltrain’s Electrification Project is a major milestone for the state’s green transportation infrastructure. In September 2024, Caltrain launched its fully electrified service between San Francisco and San Jose. With new electric trains, Caltrain is operating faster and more frequent services. The fleet helps reduce emissions, noise pollution and improve air quality. But lawsuits using CEQA bogged down Caltrain’s electrification efforts for years. 

AB 2503 helps eliminate barriers to future train electrification projects. The bill exempts zero-emission railway projects on existing rails from the requirements of CEQA. 

“Caltrain has entered its new electrified future, and we are all the better for it,” said Caltrain Executive Director Michelle Bouchard. “I thank Assemblymember Lee and Governor Newsom for ensuring that other such projects can be streamlined and prioritized, allowing California to shrink its carbon footprint and enjoy the many benefits of convenient public transportation.” 

California has the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to at least 85% below 1990 levels and achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) identifies the reductions of cars on the road, or Vehicles Miles Traveled (VMT), as a critical strategy to achieving California’s climate goals. CARB notes that attaining VMT reductions include investments in making transit a viable alternative to driving. Electric rail is a more sustainable alternative, and CARB set new regulation in 2023 to increase the use of zero-emission trains. 

The U.S. lags far behind the rest of the world on train electrification, with just roughly 1% of the rail system nationwide being electrified. India’s main rail network is nearly 100% electrified. China is pushing over 70% and the European Union has more than half of its railway lines electrified. 

Currently, many passenger and freight rail lines in the U.S. are reliant on diesel locomotives that emit greenhouse gas emissions. By granting CEQA streamlining for rail electrification, AB 2503 enables transit agencies to advance California’s climate goals and improve rail service, building on Caltrain’s recent achievement in delivering electric trains for Bay Area residents. The bill is sponsored by Streets For All and Californians for Electric Rail.

"We commend the Governor for taking bold action to expedite cleaner and more efficient rail systems across California" said Marc Vukcevich, Director of State Policy for Streets For All. "We need to be doing whatever we can to reduce the barriers to clean, fast, and efficient trains that take cars off the road and ultimately make our communities better for it so we thank the governor and Assemblymember Lee for stewarding this issue."

"Californians for Electric Rail is very grateful to Gov. Newsom for signing AB 2503,” said Adriana Rizzo, a member of Californians for Electric Rail. “With this step, the governor builds on the success of Caltrain electrification and moves us one step closer to an integrated statewide zero emissions rail network, cementing his achievements as a climate leader. Thank you for making it easier and more cost-effective to build quiet, fast, clean, electric rail all around the state."