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Assemblymember Alex Lee’s Legislation to Tackle LBGTQ+ Inequalities Heads to the Governor’s Desk

For immediate release:

Assemblymember Alex Lee’s bill to address the inequities and barriers faced by LGBTQ+ community members has passed the State Legislature. AB 3031, which is headed to the Governor’s desk, will create a state-level LGBTQ+ Commission to advise the Legislature and Governor on policies affecting the LGBTQ+ community. 

“The LGBTQ+ Commission will recognize the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ community members. It is an important step forward to ensure that everyone can live authentically and inclusively,” said Assemblymember Lee. “As a member of the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus, I am committed to advancing the state’s progress as the bastion of LGBTQ+ rights.” 

California is one of the most diverse states in the country. According to the Public Policy Institute of California, the Golden State has the largest share of adults who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, compared to any other highly populated state. About 2.7 million or roughly 9% of Californian adults identify as lesbian, gay, bixsexual or transgender. 

However, there continue to be attempts at silencing the LGBTQ+ community in California and across the United States. Between 2021 to 2022, there were over 391 reported hate crime events motivated by sexual orientation bias in California, an increase of 29% from the previous year. 

Local school boards are also moving to reverse the progress made by the LGBTQ+ community, whether it be banning displays of the pride flag or requiring parental notifications of students’ gender identities. In addition, more than 200 pieces of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in over 40 state legislatures were introduced in 2022, according to the State of Pride Report by the California Department of Justice. 

Under AB 3031, the LGBTQ+ Commission will monitor legislation and regulations affecting the LGBTQ+ community. It will identify strategies to improve the health, safety and well-being of the community. In addition, the commission will identify challenges impacting LGBTQ+ foster youth. 

Much remains to be done to provide safe and affirming foster care for LGBTQ+ youth. In California, up to 30% of youth living in foster care identify as LGBTQ. Some enter the foster care system due to family rejection or mistreatment because of their gender identities. Upon entry, however, a Los Angeles study showed that roughly 13% of LGBTQ youth report being treated poorly in foster care, compared to around 6% of non-LGBTQ youth. 

For the LGBTQ+ Commission, appointments will be considered among individuals who represent the diversity of California’s LGBTQ+ community. The LGBTQ+ Commission will be composed of nine members, as follows: 

  • 5 members appointed by the Governor. 
  • 2 members appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly. 
  • 2 members appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules. 

“I thank my colleagues for passing AB 3031 and am hopeful Governor Gavin Newsom will sign this bill establishing the California LGBTQ+ Commission to empower our community with independent representation to advise the Legislature and Governor on policy matters in order to identify and reduce systemic inequalities and barriers,” said Assemblymember Evan Low, joint-author of AB 3031 and a member of the Legislative LGBTQ Caucus.

The bill is sponsored by Equality California (EQCA) and the Bay Area Municipal Elections Committee (BAYMEC). 

“California has come a long way in the fight for full, lived equality for LGBTQ+ people, but our state is not immune to anti-LGBTQ+ hate and violent extremism that is spreading across the country,” said Equality California Executive Director Tony Hoang. “This LGBTQ+ Commission will be instrumental in addressing the systemic disparities in economic security and opportunities that LGBTQ+ people have endured for far too long and sends a clear message that California is committed to paving the way for a more equitable future. We commend the California Legislature for recognizing the need for this Commission and urge Governor Newsom to sign the bill into law so that the diverse voices of LGBTQ+ Californians are heard at the highest levels of government.”

“BAYMEC extends sincere gratitude to Asms. Alex Lee and Evan Low for authoring AB 3031 to create California’s state-level Commission on LGBTQ+ Affairs,” said BAYMEC Secretary Allie Hughes. “This Commission will address inequities and disparities that particularly affect California’s queer community and do invaluable work to elevate our community’s unique lived experiences, voices and concerns. BAYMEC is proud to endorse AB 3031 and urges the governor to sign the bill to create and protect spaces for LGBTQ+ people that leads to a better California for all."