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NUMTOT Assemblymember Alex Lee Appointed to Transportation Committee and Swath Of Hard-Hitting Committees

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, CA – Freshman Assemblymember Alex Lee (D-San Jose) has been appointed by Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) to the following Assembly committees for the 2021 legislative session: 

  • Transportation

  • Privacy and Consumer Affairs

  • Budget

  • Budget Subcommittee 2: Education

  • Rules

“As a representative of the Bay Area, these issue areas are top priorities for my constituents,” said Lee. “I’m thankful to Speaker Rendon that I’ll get to be in these decision making spaces and continue the fight for our children's futures, housing and transit for all, and hold corporations accountable.”

While full floor votes are most associated with the legislative process, committees hold significant weight by determining the bills that are considered, advanced, or defeated. 

“I’m especially excited to serve on the Assembly Transportation Committee to fight for access and expansion of our transit options,” said Lee. “As a NUMTOT (New Urbanist Memes for Transit-Oriented Teen, a Facebook group dedicated to new urbanism and public transit), this is an honor. I'm all on board for more bike, bus, and rail service for California.”

  • The Assembly Transportation Committee jurisdiction includes California High-Speed Rail Authority, California Highway Patrol, California Transportation Commission, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Transportation (Caltrans), driver’s licenses, freight, regional transportation agencies, transit authorities, intercity rail, mobile sources of air pollution, fuels, rules of the road, state highways, local streets and roads, vehicles, aircraft, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and vessels.

  • The Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee spans a wide range of technology-related issues, and includes matters affecting consumer protection in both the digital and analog worlds. 

  • The Assembly Budget Committee oversees the Budget including expenditures, programs, and funding which will be particularly challenging this session with the pandemic-induced recession. 

  • The Assembly Education Committee oversees issues related to K-12 education, certificated employees of schools, school finance, and school facilities.

  • The Assembly Rules Committee oversees proposed amendments to the rules, and other matters relating to the business of the Legislature.

Lee noted, “COVID-19 has given a new sense of urgency to these issues, and tackling these issues will require new, creative solutions.” 

Assemblymember Alex Lee represents the 25th Assembly District which includes the cities of Fremont, Newark, Milpitas, San Jose, and Santa Clara.
